Part NO. 01182579 Temperature GAUGE 60°-200°
01182579 Temperature GAUGE 60°-200° is avaliable / in stock! if your need 01182579 Temperature GAUGE 60°-200° for your excavator, you can contact us for wholesale price start form 1 EA! OEM 01182579 Temperature GAUGE 60°-200° / Original 01182579 Temperature GAUGE 60°-200° / Used 01182579 Temperature GAUGE 60°-200° (comes from the other excavator) can be selected with different price!
Part Number
*Part NO.01182579 This part is not a complete engine assembly! If you need complete engine assembly, please contact our support for tech support / quotation!
* The specifition is just for reference, if you not sure is right for your equipment, don't hesitate, contact us now for fully support!